Apart from the grinding of daily routine, a little nature will help you recharge yourself. Now if you're traveling alone and want to spice up your little ramble, this is where remote nature photography comes in!

When it comes to taking pictures of yourself without any support, solo traveling can be a little tricky. You can't even skip this step because trust me, you don't want to disappoint your Instagram. Plus it is amusing to capture those captivating moments.

Amazing Remote Nature Photography Tips when Traveling Alone

So, to help you enjoy your tour the best, here are some phenomenal remote nature photography tips when traveling alone that will ease your life.



  1. Try photography gears - tripods or selfie sticks

When you do not have a partner to take nice photos of you, well, try befriending with photography gears. A tripod with a Bluetooth (remote control) shutter can give you photos from many different and interesting angles. You can even create some captivating videos (twirl, jump, or whatever you want) using a tripod. A selfie stick may sound old school but it can be of real help when it comes to capturing a good selfie with a wide background.

  1. Self-Timer mode of the camera

If you do not have a remote to control the shutter of your phone, a Self-timer will be handy for you in that case. You can set a timer as per your need, run back, hold your breath and pose. You can use Brust- mode to capture different poses thus giving your Instagram feed a symmetric chic look.

  1. A little help doesn’t harm anybody!

“Hello there! Do you mind taking a few?” See, it was easy!

If there is no time in setting up gears, you can always some stranger to take your photos and there is no need to feel embarrassed about it in any way. While requesting someone to assist you, make sure you ask the right person, not a 90-year generous grandma or a toddler licking a lollipop. As a plus point, you might end up making good travel buddies! Don’t forget to thank them later!


  1. Use nature as a photography tool

Can’t find a steady surface to place your tripod and do not even want to miss the view? Well, try nature! You can find some good stone and place your phone with it, use a self-timer, and voila ! a perfect shot is ready to rock your social media. I consider this as one of the coolest remote nature photography tips when traveling alone.

  1. Have some self Confidence

People might look at you with judgy eyes, ignore them for good! Take as many photos as you can, enjoy your trip to your fullest, live in the moments, and do not care about people, because you are not going to see them ever again.

Solo Traveling hacks in a nutshell

Using photography gears, your camera modes, or asking someone to take your photos is the perfect complete package when traveling by yourself. Hence, at the end of the day, have some extraordinary snaps by taking advantage of these ideal remote nature photography tips